2.1 Taxes - Pay just enough, keep the rest.
The temptation is to be just selfless enough, so that the rest of the time we may be self-entered as much as we want to be.
It is impossible to be self-seeking and relationship/community minded at the same time.
The selfless mindset needs to be in place 100% of the time.
The tendency is to be just selfless enough to get to be self centered all the rest of the time.
- This is a conflict
- Selflessness needs to be in place 100% of the time.
The seeds in the ground must be plowed up and replanted. A thistle cannot produce figs.
To be self-centered at heart and then try to be selfless in just the right times is not possible. Instead, you have got to be committed to being selfless all the time. To be selfless in just the right times and places is painful and awkward. Anyone in this position is in a painful contortion. I think this may be considered lukewarm. It is better to be hot or cold.
It is much like paying taxes. Give a little so that the rest you hope to live on.
With self-centeredness there is never enough. Even if you pay no selfless acts and you just lived a totally self-centered existence, self-centeredness is a wildfire that just demands more. You can never be self-serving enough. It is empty...
On the other hand, you can build your life on the rock of Jesus. With Jesus, life makes sense and He is enough.
Test your knowledge, answer the questions below. Use the comments box to check for understanding.
2.11. As a Christian, what does it mean to love others? 2. If we are selfless at just the right times, is it ok to seek your own glory and be consumed with self-centeredness the res of the time? 3. In the Kingdom of God what does it mean that "the least will be the greatest and the first will be the last", and "it is greater to give than to receive"? 4. Jesus gave up his advantage so that we can be saved. How does this connect with the scripture that says, "I love Him because He first loved me"? 5. Is there any place in the Spirit-filled Christian life to not give up your advantage to God or to others? |